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4 Healthy Meals You Can Make with Cauliflower Wraps

Cauliflower wraps can be used to bring delicious ingredients together for a healthy twist on your comfort food favorites in a surprising number of ways. Not only can they act as a replacement for regular wraps and tortillas, but they can even sub in for other carb-based foods like pasta and pizza dough, too, with truly amazing results. 

Don’t believe us? 

See for yourself…and check out what culinary delights you can cook up with Crepini wraps today! 

Why Choose Cauliflower Wraps?

Wraps generally seem like a healthier alternative to bread. They certainly have a better reputation. After all, just how much bad stuff can be lurking in something so slight and innocent-looking? 

Well, the answer is A LOT! Your general everyday wrap, even the whole grain variety, is often more processed and (gasp) even higher in calories than the two pieces of bread you might otherwise have used to make that sandwich. Crazy right?  

Don’t despair! Luckily, for us fans of clean eating, your general everyday wrap is not the only kind out there. Today you can find many different types featuring various healthful ingredients. Take our natural cauliflower egg wraps, for instance. They are carb, dairy, gluten, and sugar-free. And at only eight calories a pop, you can’t really go wrong!

And (just in case you needed a little more convincing), we’re here to give you some inspiration for incorporating these incredibly versatile food items into your cooking. So, we've pulled together some of our favorite delicious and nutritious recipes inspired by some of the best dishes from across the globe. Because when it comes to food, ‘good for you’ in no way has to equate to dull. 

Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too…(or in this case, wrap!)

Chicken Gyros 

Chicken Gyro

The Mediterranean diet is said to be one of the most nutritious, and for good reason. The focus on lean proteins, heart-healthy oils, and leafy greens is likely the reason why many Mediterraneans enjoy such good, long lives. The flavorful ingredients are also vibrant and fresh enough to have you dreaming of sun-baked days and turquoise waters. 

Take, for instance, the simple and tasty chicken gyro. It’s got the low-fat protein, the colorful, vitamin-rich veggies, and is packed with hearty, delectable flavor.…However, when it is accompanied by its typical counterpart, the pita flatbread it’s served on, it is easily pushed over to the dark side. Substitution is key here. A Crepini wrap on the other hand, in place of pita, can save you over 28g of carbs and a whole load of calories besides!

Nicoise Salad Wrap 

Nicoise Salad Wrap

If French is the cuisine that frequently takes your fancy, you’ll likely already be familiar with the classic Nicoise Salad. Originating in the (Mediterranean!) coastal town of Nice, this popular dish generally features fresh tomatoes, sliced hard-boiled eggs, tuna, and an olive oil dressing, although these can vary by season. 

Now, we know what you’re thinking - salads can be great… you can pack in a whole bunch of highly nutritious ingredients and leave the table feeling all virtuous. Sadly, though, an hour later, your stomach will be rumbling, and you’ll be reaching for the cookie jar. The struggle is real! That’s why we suggest popping all that goodness into a wrap. 

Both cauliflower and egg (the two main ingredients of Crepini wraps) rank highly on the satiety index, meaning they’ll keep you feeling fuller for longer. 

Blackened Salmon Tacos

Blackened Salmon Tacos

Is there any food quite as comforting as Mexican food? We think not! Savory, spicy, and downright scrumptious, they’ve got a good grasp of flavors south of the border! However, while Mexican dishes make an excellent use of a number of fresh herbs, spices, and vegetales, they aren’t known for being particularly diet-friendly - especially the taco. 

WELL… the beauty of the taco comes from the fact that you can put just about anything in it - and it’s going to taste great! With a Crepini cauliflower wrap in place of the tortilla and low-fat, mineral-rich salmon standing in for less healthy options like pork, chorizo, and ground beef, you’ve got a healthy and simple mid-week meal with all of the flavor you enjoy and none of the extra calories to spoil all your fun. 

Caprese Salad Pasta 

Caprese Salad Pasta

Speaking of some of the best food in the world - Italian has to be high up on that list, right? Pasta! Pizza! Gelato! Mm, mm, mmm! High on sophistication, quality, and flavor, Italian food is many people’s go-to European meal of choice. However, it might not be the one to turn to if you’re looking to see the scales tip in the right direction any time soon!

Unless that is, you can find a way to still pack in all the excellent sapore without losing the authenticity of the dish. With that in mind, you might want to take a look at our alternative recipe for pasta salad. The Caprese is a great place to begin. With all the colors of the Italian flag, it’s already got some great stuff in there. Simply switch out the noodles for cut-up Crepini wraps and save yourself 8.2g of carbs in the process. 

Well, all there is left to say is Bon Appetit!