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6 Cheat Day Alternatives That You Can Feel Great About

If you’re looking to improve your diet for better health or to drop a few pounds, there are a few tips and tricks that can help keep you on track. Most nutritionists recommend choosing one day a week as your designated cheat day. On this day (and this day alone), you get to splurge on some of your favorite, more calorie-heavy dishes.

This makes a great deal of sense - it’s far better to consume the things you like in moderation than try to give them up cold turkey. However, as you could imagine, it’s easy to fall off the wagon and end up making every day… a cheat day.

And on top of that, calories are tricky little beasts, anyway. It’s not always easy to guesstimate how many you are plowing your way through. While you may think you’re within your goal range, your food choices could in fact be hiding hundreds of calories and undermining all the good work during the rest of the week. 

But this doesn’t mean you have to do away with a cheat day altogether! With just a few switch outs you could make your favorite foods healthier and lower in calories without sacrificing their flavor. 

Here are a few Crepini cauliflower wrap-based recipes so tasty to add to your daily routine, so every day can feel like a cheat day without the guilt!

Spaghetti and Meatballs 

As the days start to shorten and fall crisps the air, nothing can make you feel cozy and content quite like a hearty bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. Just like nona used to make! Comfort food at its finest, each steaming mouthful is packed with nostalgic memories of home-cooked, family meals around the kitchen table. 

And, all you have to do to save over 100g of carbs per serving from this delectable dish is simply switch out the spaghetti for Crepini pasta as outlined in our egg wrap spaghetti with turkey meatballs recipe.

Mac and Cheese 

Speaking of fond memories... serve up a dollop of your childhood with this quick and easy casual supper-time favorite. Our cauliflower mac and cheese cups will have you feeling as  warm and cozy as your best woolen sweater can with their gooey, creamy texture and warm, comforting flavor. 

Try substituting the calorie-heavy noodles with super-nutritious, superfood cauliflower. This way, you are not only able to reduce your carbs, you’re getting a healthy and hearty amount of protein and barely making a dent in your daily calorie limit at only 119 calories per serving! What’s there not to love about that? 


Warm, cheesy and gooey - it’s no wonder why pizza is a comfort go-to that is always able to lift your spirits. And what makes pizza even more special is the endless opportunities you have to adjust the toppings according to whatever you’re craving. Really, anything goes…hamburger and pickle? Sounds good! Chicken Tikka Masala? Yum, yum! 

And now you can let your imagination take your flavor ventures even further for a healthy and tasty twist, by switching out the crust with a Crepini wrap as per our crepizza recipe. 

Then, as long as you don’t go TOO crazy on those toppings (ice cream and chocolate chip cookie pizza might be taking things a tad far...), you’ll have a meal that’s as virtuous as it is delicious. 

Grilled Cheese

Just what is it about melted cheese that it can instantly make you feel a million times better? For a quick mood-boosting snack, check out our variation on the good old grilled cheese… the grilled cheese panini

Get ready to delight your taste buds with this simple switch out that will make this delectable treat, smarter and less calorie-heavy in just 7 minutes. Add mustard for an extra layer of tastiness, or add a bowl of creamy tomato soup on the side for a complete meal with the perfect complement of flavors. 


When you’re looking for a little pick-me-up, nothing warms you from your heart to your toes like a hearty slice of creamy, cheesy and meaty lasagna. With our super hack to help you bring ‘pasta’ back into your more health-focused life, you can enjoy authentic-tasting, homemade lasagna without the pesky carbs bringing down your vibe. 

Fool your taste buds with the great texture and fantastic taste of the Crepini keto lasagna. As an extra bonus, replacing the high-carb, gluten-loaded pasta noodles with cauliflower egg wraps makes the dish that much easier to make. 

Chips’ n’ Dip 

Snacks are where many of us tend to slip up, but that fortunately doesn’t have to be the case with our recipe for low-cal keto chips

Simply cut some Crepini crepes into quarters, place them on a greased baking sheet with a little salt, wait 7 minutes for them to cool, and voila! 

These delectable delights aren’t much more of hassle than opening a regular bag of chips but are just 52 calories a serving and will save you 46 g of carbs compared with regular tortilla chips). Pair them with a healthful salsa or guacamole dip and serve them up to friends or enjoy them while watching your favorite TV show.